First of all, it is worth highlighting that creating an NGO is not an impossible task or reserved for expert administrators. It can be achieved in a period of 2 and 4 months.

It is also important to know that there are different types of organizations that can be defined as NGOs. In Spain these are divided into associations, foundations, federations, mutuals and social initiative cooperatives. This topic requires another post, on this occasion we will talk about associations since, a priori, it is the simplest for people who are beginning to enter the world of nonprofit social initiative organizations.

We will explain the procedure, concentrating and simplifying a wide range of information in 6 simple steps.

1. Agreement between 3 or more people: the fundamental requirement to create an association in Spain is that 3 people are in agreement with common objectives.

2. Drafting of the statutes and the founding act: two different procedures but carried out in a similar time.

The statutes are the internal rules that will direct the operation of the association. The rules are established by the members, but, at a minimum, they must reflect the provisions of article 7 of Organic Law 1/2002.

The founding act, among other things, reflects the data of the association, the founding persons, the purpose and the date on which the association was established.

(Samples of statutes and acts)

3. Inscription in the registry: the association is constituted as soon as the statutes and the founding act have been written up, however, they need to be formalized. To do this, you have to go to the national or regional registry (depending on the geographical area in which you intend to intervene) with the acts and statutes.

4. Legalize the books of acts and partners: in the same registry of associations the books of acts, of the partners and of the accounts can be sealed.

5. Request the CIF: finally, go to the Tax Agency to deliver the papers to request the tax identification code (CIF), necessary to carry out legal procedures.

6. Starting to walk: with the explained above the association would already be more than ready to take its first steps in the world of NGOs. However certain procedures will still come up. As an example and recommendation, we highlight opening a joint bank checking account on behalf of the association and registering in the Census of Volunteer Associations.

*Each step described requires some time and dedication and it is recommended to use the bibliography collected for more detail.